We bring together the efforts of different players, sharing expertise and know-how.
Many individuals, companies, schools and institutions are interested in joining us and improving the lives of the people and communities in the Southern Hemisphere. It’s as simple, or complex, as that, depending how you look at it.
Today, over 100 people and organisations work with Mundukide, adopting their values and principles to foster and promote solidarity in the world of cooperative enterprise.

Cooperatives were the driving force behind Mundukide and they still contribute by supporting Mundukide with funding, communications and personnel.

Volunteers work in all areas of Mundukide, bringing their experience to a range of inter-cooperation projects both on the ground as well as at the headquarters in Mondragón.

Development NGOs
Collaboration between NGDOs and Mundukide has been common since the beginning. The professionalism that Mundukide offers is a guarantee for the NGDOs and the social mass that the NGDOs move in the municipalities is essential for Mundukide.

Mondragón University
Mondragón University’s Lanki Institute of Cooperative Research, in conjunction with Mundukide, designed and developed the Inter-Cooperation System. Mondragón University also shares research, training and other resources.