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Our main role in Brazil is to help catalyse socio-economic development among settled and camped families belonging to the Landless Workers' Movement, providing management training for key local stakeholders to improve the performance of cooperatives, from production to marketing.

We contribute to the socio-economic development of the MST families who are settled and camped, providing management training to local people of reference to improve the performance of the cooperatives, from production to marketing.

“We can highlight the partnerships and collaborations that have taken place throughout our history and we are particularly proud of the one between MST and the MUNDUKIDE foundation, which has shared its cooperative experience with us in a partnership of more than 15 years. In Paraná, this partnership is made possible through the Cooperativa Central De Reforma Agraria-CCA/PR and the Mundukide Foundation, and has carried out direct follow-up work with grassroots cooperatives to improve the management process that has strengthened our cooperatives, food production and the development of settlements. We believe that we still have a lot to do and build in the fi eld of cooperation and that the historical experience of the Basque people can help us a lot”.

Olcimar da Rosa, (Chairman Paraná Cooperative Association)

“Mundukide and Ceagro have a common history, built by many hands, and despite coming from 2 different countries, they have ties and struggles that unite them, sharing experiences, contributing to the construction of our cooperation and management model. This is how we build together the struggle for the Popular Agrarian Reform and social transformation”.

Thaile Lopes, (coordinator CEAGRO training centre):

"Firstly, implementing the support programme and strengthening the Armazens do Campo based on the implementation of an ERP management system for the entire network. Secondly, standardising assistance to cooperatives through face-to-face visits. Furthermore, in the three southern states, we will prioritise assistance to already consolidated cooperatives through accompaniment groups. Then, support for the cooperative marketing eff orts of the MST will be the basis of our work in Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo. And in the Northeast, the start-up and consolidation of five agro-industries in the state of Ceará will continue the programme’s core work.

Unax Zabala Arrizabalada, South America program manager

  • 28k

    28,738 people served, 51% women

  • 22

    22 cooperatives supported in five states

  • 5.6k

    5,679 coop members

  • 8

    8 new stores selling organic products

Data from 2023. If you need more information, you can access reports and publications

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"The work we do here has direct, visible results." Interview with Jon Etxeberria, Mundukide volunteer worker in Brazil. Jon explains his experience in Brazil and the details of his work with Mundukide.
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The Federative Republic of Brazil is the world's fifth-largest country and the second largest in terms of land tenure inequality. We are therefore dealing with a country of inequalities and contradictions.

The development of Brazilian agriculture, based on the concentration of land ownership in latifundia farms, has been extremely exclusive. This process has been compounded with profound changes in the relationships between urban and rural areas and employment in the countryside.

One of the most chilling results of inequality in the countryside is that of the 31.5 million people suffering from hunger, more than half live in rural areas.

Data and findings indicate that despite some redistributive measures the country fails to address inequalities in a structural way and has been unable (even when it underwent an economic boom) to develop its potential for further social development.

The Landless Workers' Movement (MST) is a social movement in Brazil that has been struggling for agrarian reform and social justice since 1985. The movement was historically built by peasants, who now have the opportunity to become professionals and lead in the organisation of production cooperatives and associations.

Since 2008, Mundukide's partnership with MST has enabled us to collaborate in organising and building the collective marketing tools developed by the movement to market products from agrarian reform areas, and to establish new forms of organisation, making the Popular Agrarian Reform project feasible.


  • Capital: Brasilia
  • Language: Portuguese
  • Area: 85.157.703 km²
  • Population: 212.216.063 hab.

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