‘The work carried out between the Training Front and Mundukide has direct effects on the lives of the people. Through the training offered to cooperatives, it has been possible to strengthen cooperatives and, consequently, to broaden the possibility of generating income for families. As an example, this has been reflected in the creation of higher quality products to offer the market.
Antonio Jeová Moura Sampaio
Coordinator of the Training and People Front in the Productive Sector – CCA Ceará

Ivenilson Lemos da Silva
Technical Manager and Industrial Manager of the Anacardo Industry, Fruit Pulp and Cajuina Beverage and Land Reform Settlement.
Coopalc (Chorozinho – Ceará)

Since its inception, the MST has been committed to the creation of cooperatives as a means of empowering rural workers and promoting fairer and more sustainable rural development. This cooperative momentum has found greater welcome and growth in the counties of the south of the country, where almost 60% of the active cooperatives are concentrated. In this context, the MST considers it strategic to extend and consolidate this cooperative model in northern Brazil, where socioeconomic conditions and challenges are different, but also urgent. In 2017, with the support of the World Bank and the State Government of the State of Ceara, the MST initiated a project in collaboration with Mundukide to organize the production of several MST settlements and camps, establishing 5 agro-industrial cooperatives for the processing of agricultural production. For five years, communities have been formed in cooperative management and governance and specialized technicians have been trained in cooperative management, efficient operation of agricultural industries and marketing processes. Five industrial agricultural cooperatives were launched in 2002 and 2023, with a turnover of EUR 1.2 million in 2023.
In addition, inter-cooperation mechanisms have been established at state level to support production, marketing, training and expert advice in accounting and legal matters, ensuring a stable operational environment and in accordance with current regulations. The cooperative environment created in Ceara, in addition to improving the production and income of the settlement – 750,000 € for the purchase of agricultural production of 541 members and 100,000 € more in wages of 65 people – has also strengthened the capacity for self-management and long-term sustainability. This model, in addition to seeking economic results, lays the foundation for fairer and more resilient rural development, based on the principles and values of cooperativism.
From November 5th to 8th, 2024, Finapop (Popular Financing for Healthy Foods) and the Productive Sector of Ceara visited the cooperatives Cooperasc, Cooperamuns, Cooperamel and Cooperasc, together with the cooperative Andrea Antón and Marcio Carvalho of the Mundukide Foundation.
Finapop aims to raise private funds from people who want to invest in generating a positive impact on society, for family farming projects.
The purpose of the visit was to know Finapop and update the current situation of the cooperatives so that Finapop can monitor and support the investments that must be made more closely.