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Euskal Herria

Cooperative cooperation

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We work in Mozambique to increase the ability of the local population to generate income which contributes to equitable and sustainable development, enabling people to be autonomous and self-sufficient. To…

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Euskal Herria

The way in which we carry out our activity implies a revitalization of cooperative values, Mundukide’s hallmarks. For this reason, we approach our projects in the key of responsible solidarity,…

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Inspired by our experience in Mozambique, our goal in Ethiopia is to implement a socio-economic development programme in a broad region. To improve agricultural production and productivity of farming families…

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We promote, together with local entities, sustainable socio-economic development and the association of rural organizations on the northern border and in the Amazon. TOISAN CORPORATION Mundukide cooperates on the northern…

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Our work is based on improving the lives of two groups with different ways of earning a living; We are referring to the COLLECTIVE OF STREET RECYCLERS, whose scope of…

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Our main role in Brazil is to help catalyse socio-economic development among settled and camped families belonging to the Landless Workers’ Movement, providing management training for key local stakeholders to…

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About us

Cooperativism is not only a way of doing things: it is also a way of understanding the world, more just and supportive. Those are the values with which we work, training and providing transformation tools to thousands of people in developing countries.

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    countries within the Mundukide network

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    Southern associations with which we collaborate

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    Basque Country NGOs in Intercooperation


Share the experience. Share knowledge. A wheel that must not stop turning, to contribute to the socio-economic development of the towns and communities with which we collaborate.

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We empower people to change the world.

Through cooperativism, they themselves promote the socio-economic development of the area.

Ver todo lo que hacemos
8.Environmental sustainability 7.Social transformation 6. Gender equality 5.Intercooperation 4.Technical assistance 3.Agricultural development 2.Training people 1.Cooperative advice

Basque Country

Here is born the seed of transformation that represents cooperativism

Raising awareness and involving society in Euskal Herria translates into growth and progress for the communities in developing countries with which we collaborate. From the workplace, the educational, from the personal sphere: all together, because if the communities with which we collaborate grow, we also grow.

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6 March 2025

Genero berdintasun politikak eraikiaz

Mundukiden urteak daramatzagu berdintasun politiken bidez egiturazkoak diren genero-desberdinkeriak ezabatzeko estrategiak diseinatu eta garatzen.   Genero-sistemak tokian toki sortzen dituen desberdinkerietan arreta jarri eta hauek iraultzeko munduan zehar tokian tokiko estrategiak garatzen dihardugu. Kooperatiba-balioak ez ditugu ulertzen zeharka genero-begirada eta…

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