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“AdC”, the supers of Brazil’s expanding agrarian reform

4 October 2023

Julio Martínez Arija and Xabier Etxebarria, both Mundukide volunteers in Brazil, have participated in II. NATIONAL MEETING of ARMAZÉNS DO CAMPO held in Sao Paulo from September 25 to 29.


The meeting aimed to deepen the debate on the expansion of the supermarket network and its importance in the commercialization of the products of the Popular Agrarian Reform, as well as in the construction of dialogue with society on healthy eating and production. agroecological. Mundukide, familiar with the network since its inception, supports qualified personnel, such as the cooperator Julio Martínez Arija, a partner at Eroski and a worker at the Basque consumer cooperative before starting to work with Mundukide.

The work that Mundukide performs together with the management team of the supermarkets called Armazems do Campo, is to train reference people in Strategic Management, Marketing and Economic and Financial Management for comprehensive training focused on the business.

«Armazens do Campo» Network

In 2016, the first store was opened in São Paulo. There are currently 26 physical stores in various cities in the country. All of them also work in e-commerce mode. In addition to physical stores, there are also 39 sales units with scheduled delivery and online purchase, present in 36 municipalities, bringing the fruits of the fight for land from the countryside to the city. With this initiative, the Landless Movement seeks to offer healthy, poison-free, agroecological and organic food at a fair price and direct to the consumer.

The strategic plan drawn up for the next 15 years by the National Expansion Group of Armazems do Campo, has the goal of opening 1,000 more Armazems do Campo in the 24 states of Brazil, either in capitals, cities or in camps where they reside. the camping families of the Landless Workers Movement.

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