Natxo de Vicente and Julio Martínez, partners of Copreci and Eroski, and Mundukide cooperators in Brazil, participate as counselors in the MANAGEMENT MODEL AND HUMAN RELATIONS module for teachers of the Degree in Technicians in Cooperative Management, taught by the Technical Institute for Training and Research on Agrarian Reform (ITERRA)
The module is part of a broader project called Strengthening the TAC CURRICULUM (Cooperative Technical Course), born of an alliance between INCRA (National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform) and PRONERA (National Program of Education for Agrarian Reform) and designed to that the students alternate the training and practice in the community (dual), in different socio-economic activities of the MST.
For this, the teaching staff is trained so that they are protagonists and take ownership of the method. The first semester of 2021 is being taught the first TRAINING course in the MANAGEMENT MODEL and HUMAN RELATIONS, while the second course, LABOR TRAINING IN PLATFORM COOPERATIVES, will take place during the second semester.
THE TAC CURRICULUM aims to offer conditions so that the participants of the ITERRA TAC Course have a methodological structure, where they can fit all the modules developed throughout the TAC course, both from a theoretical and practical point of view.