About us
“Transforming society through work”
To a greater or lesser extent, all of us who are part of this ‘first’ world are aware of the privilege we hold by the mere fact, totally circumstantial, of being born where we were born. And it is in many cases that awareness that moves us to act in solidarity with those who have not been so lucky.
Undoubtedly, there are many forms of action. individual or organized. National or international. Of emergency. With different objectives: health, educational, environmental… To help specific groups such as children, women or refugees. But in any case, all of them with solidarity as a flag.
More than 22 years ago, Mundukide was born from the hand of several people belonging to various NGDOs in Debagoiena. Solidarity also united us and prompted us to create this foundation, with the support of Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa. But in this case, the place of birth not only marked our determined will to help those very disadvantaged societies, but also the way to do it. “Transforming society through work”. The ideas of Jose Maria Arizmendiarreta promoted an entire social and economic revolution in Gipuzkoa: that of cooperativism. And Mundukide, who was born from the hand of this way of seeing development, could not choose another model of help. Because we are talking about our model, that we know works, that we know and in which we firmly believe as a form of growth and social transformation. We have lived it, and it is part of our DNA. And what better than sharing what we believe in and feel like ours.
For this reason, at Mundukide, we base our model on promoting cooperation projects. Solidarity projects, which through providing technical assistance, training and financing, allow the creation and development of cooperatives in developing countries.
Because in the face of the current model of globalization that generates inequality and excesses that make it unsustainable, we are committed to values that define the cooperative movement such as participation, solidarity and commitment to the community.
With the start-up of cooperatives, our goal is to contribute to sustainable growth and quality employment in the societies where they operate. Promoting a self-managed development of the same, the empowerment of the people who form them and the community where they reside. In order to strengthen its human capital and its economic and social sovereignty.
We are talking about sustainable and long-term growth. Because at Mundukide we believe that this is the best contribution we can and should make. Because we won’t always be there, nor is it what we want.
But none of this could be carried out without the collaboration of the entities and individuals that form part of cooperativism in Gipuzkoa. A contribution that goes beyond economics. Because their involvement and awareness of this model implicitly carries the conviction that it is necessary to take cooperativism, its values and principles, beyond our territory. Because only then will we make it take on its original meaning.
We speak of the authentic cooperative spirit. That of solidarity that makes work the transforming engine of the communities where it operates.
Mundukide: Cooperative Spirit
2 lines of work
As a way of giving the best response to the diversity of needs, priorities and visions that exist in the range of
peoples and communities of the South, in Mundukide we define two strategies in Programs for Cooperation.

We strengthen people’s skills to contribute to their personal and community development.

for organisations
Through social leadership and a vocation for social transformation, we contribute to bolstering the entrepreneurial, organisational and cooperative work of structured groups.