Euskal Herria

The way in which we carry out our activity implies a revitalization of cooperative values, Mundukide's hallmarks. For this reason, we approach our projects in the key of responsible solidarity, inter-cooperation and social transformation. From the commitment of people, with the aim of transforming society based on criteria of community and equitable development.
With this objective, we work with different cooperatives, companies and entities in the articulation of joint platforms to ensure that the actions and activities that we already carry out have a greater impact from the perspective of social transformation.
The network woven between educational cooperatives, cooperatives in the productive sector, volunteers, the Institute of Cooperative Studies LANKI, and other NGDOs and entities, serves to collaborate in joint campaigns, develop projects, organize volunteer actions, offer internships ... In short, become in an active society that seeks community development that transcends the limits of our valley.
Our activities
- Trips by the board of trustees to countries where we carry out our projects.
- Talks about "cooperation" for various audiences
- Photographic exhibitions
- Preparation of documentaries
- Training activity
- Participation in projects such as Kapulana bat Zintzilik, First Lego League or Africa Basque Challenge.
Special mention should be made of our involvement in training programs, such as the "Expert in Cooperativism" course, or participation in the Master in Economic and Social Management for the Development of the Solidarity Economy at Mondragon Unibertsitatea. We also offer technical support from volunteers to other agents of the solidarity economy.
The aim is to facilitate spaces for learning and social transformation that help blur the line that until now existed between cooperation programs in developing countries, and activities carried out in our environment. In other words, facilitating experiences of reflection, learning and action to bring global realities and their local speci fi cities closer together, for a critical and global social transformation, beyond the immediate surroundings of Debagoiena, and that gives rise to more just, supportive and self-managed societies.
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22 September 2021
Data from 2024. If you need more information, you can access reports and publications